- Distance and Travel Time (from downtown Seattle) : 54.2 miles (55 min)
- Trip Type: Day trip or Overnight trip
- When to Go
Open 8 am to 4 pm during Winter (makes a fun trip on a not so cold day when road conditions are okay)
- Things to Do
Sledding, snowball fight, making a snowman, etc.
- Tips
1) Prepare snow boots and other snow gear (waterproof mittens or extra pairs of regular mittens) to keep dry while having fun.
2) Goggles can be useful on snowy days when riding the sled on the hill.
3) You need to return to the top on foot because there is no moving walk or lifts. So young kids may get tired after a couple of rides.
4) Preschoolers or under (even older lower grade kids) can enjoy sledding on the mini hill between the parking lot and the main sledding hill. Also, there is plenty of space for just regular snow play such as building a snowman or snow ball fights.
5) You can call 509-656-2230 (recorded message line) for daily updates to check hours or conditions before heading out.
One Day Sno-Park Permit ($20) + Annual Discovery Pass ($30)
Grooming the Sledding Hill Before Opening
Sledding on the Hill
Returning Route
The Sledding Hill Viewed From the Bottom
Small Hill perfect for Younger Children