- Distance and Travel Time (from downtown Seattle) : 82.4 miles (1h 43m)
- Trip Type: Day trip or Overnight trip
- Parking: Park in the parking lot
- When to Go
Winter (makes a fun trip on a not so cold day when road conditions are okay)
- Things to Do
Sledding, snowball fight, making a snowman, etc.
- Tips
1) The roads on highway 2 are narrow and winding so use caution – the area has lots of snow in winter so be sure to check the mountain pass road conditions on the WA State DOT website and be prepared (snow tires, chains, etc.).
2) In winter, visiting Stevens Pass and Leavenworth in one trip is also a good option as the winter season at Leavenworth is lovely.
3) Prepare snow boots and other snow gear (waterproof mittens or extra pairs of regular mittens) to keep dry while having fun.
4) If you are not planning to go on the slopes, you can park in the parking lot and play in the snow.
Snowing Day at Stevens Pass