Distance and Travel Time (from downtown Seattle)
Paradise: 107 miles (2h 23m)
Sunrise: 169 miles (3h 45m)
Trip Type: Day trip or Overnight trip
Park in the park’s parking lot
$25 per car for up to 15 people for 7 days. If you purchase the interagency annual pass for $80, you can get unlimited access to all National Parks and Federal Recreational sites within the US. https://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/fees.htm
When to Go
Jun to Oct (the park is partially open in winter also, but may be a difficult trip with young kids)
Things to Do
Enjoy views of snow-capped mountains in summer, see waterfalls and cross the bridge over it, stroll along the trails, see wild flowers, explore nature, etc.
1) Even when it’s sunny in Seattle, the Mt. Rainier area can be much different so be sure to check the park website and webcams for current conditions and also check the weather forecast for the Mt. Rainier area before departing.
2) The weather in the mountains change frequently so dress in layers to be prepared.
3) If your family is not used to spending long hours in the car, make it an overnight trip and spend a night near the park.